
Training your dog the Farm Dog way

We conduct dog training courses both at the farm and online. Currently due to COVID, we only run them online as a video course you can do it at your own pace.

Luke (Alpha Advanced) and Jason (Alpha, NDTF) run the course and come with extensive backgrounds in training and rehabilitating rescue and shelter dogs that had previously had no success with other trainers.

They teach a unique method and communication system when combined  with your dedication & commitment, has proven to achieve unrivalled results.

The aim of the Farm Dog Training course is to teach you, the owner, the Canine Communication System we use at the Farm.

Once you learn it yourself your dog will be better behaved at home and they will also be better behaved in situations outside of the home such as Parks and Cafés, making for an all round happy and truly trained dog.

You’ll find further instructions on how to sign up below.

How does it work?

Farm Dog Training Academy’s reward-based dog training and good behaviour shaping methods don’t require impractical food treats.

The Canine Communication System is built on the understanding of how dogs communicate with each other.

Dogs in the wild, or at the park are always communicating to each other. Sometimes many of the signals are so subtle and other times the message is loud and clear, but it is always there when two or more dogs are together.

Your pet dog is still very much a pack animal and we teach you to develop a human/dog set of pack rules.

The first steps are to learn the basics and begin to use your new communication structure with your dog.

After that has been established you can start to address all the situations you’d like to fix and rules you want to implement at home and in the park. 

You can sign up to our YouTube training course and start learning today. On the platform you have the ability to ask questions and learn from many other people doing the course too.

How to sign up?

Step one

Click the link below and you will be taken to YouTube. You will be presented with a pop up window that looks like the image.

Step two

Switch to the Farm Dog Training Academy Tab and the select JOIN.

Step three

Select how you’d like to pay and input your payment details. You have complete access to both the training course and all the behind the scene videos for the farm. 

Step four

Now that you have joined you can access all the training videos and behind the scenes videos found in the playlist section of our YouTube channel. You can find this section by as shown in the images. If you lose your way you can always click this link to take you back to the front page of our channel.

How it looks on a computer:

How it looks on a mobile phone:


Sign up to the online course today